Snapshot of the Rule of 1221
The snapshot below represents the fullest participation in the statutes of the Rule, which BSP members slowly progress toward over a four year period. There are a variety of provisions enumerated in the statutes accounting for many common reasons for one’s inability to live the Rule to the fullest.

What you see below is an illustration of what we all strive to achieve but often times fail to accomplish.
Snapshot of the Rule of 1221
The snapshot below represents the fullest participation in the statutes of the Rule, which BSP members slowly progress toward over a four year period. There are a variety of provisions enumerated in the statutes accounting for many common reasons for one’s inability to live the Rule to the fullest.

What you see below is an illustration of what we all strive to achieve but often times fail to accomplish.

Daily Life

Live and dress simply and modestly. Choose simple garments of subdued solid colors as defined by the Rule. Avoid flashy personal décor, unseemly movies, excessive TV, and needless communications. Convert your life to God. Wear a Tau cross or crucifix visibly. Take the Blessed Virgin as your mother and guide and lean on her intercession as you confront the difficulties of living the Rule.


Abstain from meat, except in soups, casseroles, or gravies, on every day except Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, Solemnities, and other necessary or family occasions. Pray an Our Father before and after all meals, or your regular meal prayer. Abstain from any other thing to give glory to God as you wish. Keep this all between you and God in order to secure your reward in the heavenly kingdom.


Fast on Wednesdays and Fridays from All Saints Day to Easter, and on Fridays from Easter until All Saints Day (Solemnities and Octaves excluded). Fast daily, except Sundays and Solemnities, during Lent and for 40 days before Christmas. Fasting by Church regulations is eating two small meals that do not equal one regular meal and one regular meal daily with no snacking in between.


Meet with others of like mindedness, especially other Brothers and Sisters of Penance of St. Francis, but also any other Third Order members or committed religious, each month. Celebrate the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours together. Review portions of the Rule and give an honest account of the state of your journey to heaven. Celebrate your family and friends at every opportunity.


Pray the complete Divine Office every day. Or choose a different prayer option which can be one of the following: praying all four sets of mysteries of the rosary; spending an hour in mental prayer, or contemplation, daily; praying 12 Our Fathers, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be’s for Matins and seven for the other hours followed by the Requiem Aeternam; or creating a serious personal prayer option with one’s spiritual director. Pray for the dead: 50 psalms, or 50 Our Fathers with the Requiem Aeternam after each Our Father, for a recently deceased friend or BSP member; pray the entire Psalter or 100 Our Fathers with the Requiem Aeternam after each Our Father for all deceased once per year. Pray each morning: Psalms 51, 54,119:1-32, and the Creed; in the evening Psalm 51 and the Creed. Each day strive to do some spiritual reading.

Sacraments Etc.

Attend daily Mass if possible; Sunday and Holy Day Mass definitely. Go to confession at least monthly. Make peace with everyone, avoid idle talk, gossip, oaths, and street language of any kind. Pay tithes. Live the Gospel.


Practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in your own home, among your own relatives, and in the world around you. Do other good things as you feel inspired. Work for the Church and for the Kingdom.


Obtain permission from your spouse before entering the Association. Be willing to obtain a spiritual director and consult with him or her at least monthly. Once you profess to live the Rule, seek to follow it for life unless entering religious life.